
Mexico in a Bottle

Mexico in a Bottle

Use your promo code from Mexico in a Bottle SD 2023 to receive your discount on these select brands.  Certain exclusions do apply, contact for more details if you have questions.  Valid until 10/22/2023 at 11:59 pst. Limit one per customer.

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  • Mezcal Amarás Cupreata 200ml

    Mezcal Amarás Cupreata 200ml


    Mezcal Amarás Cupreata 200ml Village of Origin: Mazatlán, Guerrero Master Mezcalero: Don Faustino Robledo Agave: 100% Cupreata Agave Process: Conical stone oven, mechanical shredder, natural fermentation in ayacahuite pine vats, double...
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  • Mezcal Amarás Espadín 200ml

    Mezcal Amarás Espadín 200ml


    Mezcal Amarás Espadín 200ml From Oaxaca Organic & Kosher Agave: 100% Espadín Agave Process: Conical stone oven, Egyptian mill, natural fermentation in pine vats, double distilled in small copper still
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  • Del Maguey VIDA San Luis del Rio Vida de Muertos Mezcal 750ml

    Del Maguey Vida de Muertos Mezcal 750ml

    Del Maguey

    Del Maguey VIDA San Luis del Rio Vida de Muertos Mezcal 750ml Del Maguey Single Village Mezcal brings you a collection of artisanal and ancestral Mezcals from the lush remote mountains, plains and valleys of Oaxaca, México. Vida de Muertos is a...
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  • Mezcal Amarás Espadín Reposado 750ml

    Mezcal Amarás Espadín Reposado 750ml


    Mezcal Amarás Espadín Reposado 750ml Amarás Reposado grants you entrance to the world of mezcal with its smooth and mellow notes. Handcrafted using the same fine agave Espadín, only this time, it's matured in barrels carved...
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  • Dos Boots Mezcal Joven 200ml

    Dos Boots Mezcal Joven 200ml

    Dos Boots

    Dos Boots Mezcal Joven 200ml Dos Boots honors the traditions of Oaxaca, its generations of families working with Agave and its deep culture. Every pair of proper boots, from hard work to fiesta, regardless of color, style and origin have their own story...
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  • On Sale
    Dos Boots Mezcal Joven 750ml

    Dos Boots Mezcal Joven 750ml

    Dos Boots

    Now: $49.99
    Was: $59.99
    Dos Boots Mezcal Joven 750ml Dos Boots honors the traditions of Oaxaca, its generations of families working with Agave and its deep culture. Every pair of proper boots, from hard work to fiesta, regardless of color, style and origin have their own story...
    Now: $49.99
    Was: $59.99
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    Now: $49.99
    Was: $59.99
  • El Pintor Tequila Blanco 750ml

    El Pintor Tequila Blanco 750ml

    El Pintor

    El Pintor Tequila Blanco 750ml El Pintor Blanco is a truly work of art. The amount of cooked agave notes is just a one of a kind. The process starts by selecting only ripe blue agaves from a single state in the low lands, near the tequila volcano. The...
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  • Real Minero Becuela Mezcal Artesanal 750ml

    Real Minero Becuela Mezcal Artesanal Old Town Tequila Private Batch

    real minero

    Real Minero Becuela Mezcal Artesanal 750ml HAND PICKED BY OLD TOWN TEQUILA  For four generations the family Angeles Carreno, has dedicated their lives to the production of mezcal, today packed under the brand Real Minero.  Elaborated under...
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  • Origen Raiz del Espiritu Mezcal Cenizo Destilado con Pecho de Venado 750ml

    Origen Raiz del Espiritu Mezcal Cenizo Destilado con Pecho de Venado 750ml

    Origen Raiz

    Origen Raiz del Espiritu Mezcal Cenizo Destilado con Pecho de Venado 750ml Pechuga mezcal is a gift from the heart of the master mezcalero, produced to celebrate and commemorate unique occasions. It is a ritual that is comes from the Zapotec culture of...
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