Four Pillars

Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz Gin 750ml

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Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz Gin 750ml

Gin meets Shiraz grapes in the best possible way. Cool climate Yarra Valley Shiraz grapes steeped in our award winning Rare Dry Gin for 8 weeks with no added sugar.The resulting gin is an incredibly vibrant ruby color, which turns iridescent pink when mixed with soda. Aromatically it has fresh pine needles, incredible spice, and a peppery, dense raspberry character. The palate is lovely and sweet, with long juniper and spice characters on the finish. Enjoy with soda, lemon tonic, or in a bloody variation on a classic cocktail. Four Pillars distillery was awarded International Gin Producer of the Year - 2019 (IWSC).

37.8% alc 

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